MĒ Consuelo Bastida Jumilla
understanding is a research area involving both feature extraction and
object identification within images from a scene, and a posterior
treatment of this information in order to establish relationships
between these objects with a specific goal. In biomedical and
industrial scenarios, the main purpose of this discipline is, given a
visual problem, to manage all aspects of prior knowledge, from study
start-up and initiation through data collection, quality control,
expert independent interpretation, to design and development of systems
involving image processing capable of tackle with these tasks. The aim
of this session is to provide a forum to discuss about theoretical or
application works based on bio-inspired imaging systems and techniques,
according to the following topics:
- Health Technologies
- Feature extraction and analysis.
- Image Segmentation.
- Motion detection and estimation.
- Image Registration and fusion.
- Bio-inspired AI & KE
- Other domains: biometrics, data mining and information retrieval