IWINACInternational Work-conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation

IWINAC2011 Pre-Organized Sessions:

S12. "Neuroimaging and neuroinformatics tools for modeling of the brain "

Chairperson: Mariano Rincón Zamorano. Co-chair: Juan Manuel Górriz Sáez

In the last decade, there has been a very significant progress in neuroimaging techniques, which have provided valuable information for the analysis of the brain, both to study his structure and function, as for the treatment of diseases in clinical practice. This workshop is intended to present current research in advanced neuroimaging techniques and neuroinformatics applications for modeling of the brain in different scenarios: healthy brain, brain development (neurodevelopment), neurological disorders (neurodegeneration, aging, etc.) and other neural diseases (i.e. tumors, vascular disorders, etc).

- multimodal brain registration,
- image segmentation & brain morphometry,
- development of CAD systems
- shape modeling
- DTI and fiber tracking,
- fMRI and time series analysis,
- brain connectivity,
- neurodegeneration (MCI, AD, PD, FTD) and aging,
- vascular deseases,
- brain tumor analysis and follow-up,
- neurodevelopment and plasticity,
- neuroinformatics for information integration and management
- SPECT, PET image processing