IWINAC International Work-conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation

IWINAC2009: Registration, travel and accommodation

Registration / accommodattion forms

All the registration (= in Spanish), accommodation (= in Spanish) and travel required for the congress attendance will be managed by our Technical Secretariat. Please, contact them for any question related to these subjets, or access, after registration, to your personal area (= in Spanish).

Technical Secretariat

ESOC, s.l.

Poeta Vila y Blanco, 8 - 1º
E-03003 Alicante (Spain)


Email: iwinac2011@grupoesoc.es

Registration fees

Please, use the mandatory registration forms from our Technical Secretariat for attendance register (person data are in a differente database from paper submission form) for attendance registration to the congress.

The registration fee includes attending to the sessions, coffee breaks, lunches, social events, gala dinner and the Proceedings of the Work-Conference.

Type Before April 30 After April 30
Standard € 450 € 550
Session Organizer € 350 € 450
Accompanying person (*) € 250 € 250

(*) Accompanying person registration fee only includes lunches, social events and gala dinner.

Registration fees of at least one author for each accepted paper should be paid in full before submission to press (April 30, 2007).

Congress venue


Hacienda Dos Mares
La Manga del Mar Menor
E-30380 Murcia (Spain)

http://www.solmelia.com/ (contact our Technical Secretariat about special prices for congress attendants)

You can access, through a web form provided by our Technical Secretariat, to speccial offers for attendance accommodation and travel. Also, you can find more turistic information about La Manga in our usefull links page.

During the conference there will be wireless access (802.11b/802.11g compatible) to Internet available inside and near the conference rooms, and also some wired connections in a specific place.

Important dates

Final Date for Submission (extended time) February 15 February 26, 2007
Acceptance notification and start of registration April 1, 2007
End of reduction fee for early registration April 30, 2007
Congress date June 18-21, 2007