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Neurocomputing Special Issue onIWINAC 2013: 5th Int. Work-Conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation |
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In Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), the role and impact of distributed models of cognition and computation appears to a central and strategic topic. Thus the general leit-motiv in this Special Issue, continuing with ideas from Professor José Mira and with neurocybernetic concepts from Wiener and W.S. McCulloch, is to explore the role and impact in Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence of these paradigms.
The Neurocomputing special issue on “IWINAC 2013: 5th Int. Work-Conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation” will contain the best revised papers related to the theme "Computation meets Neuroscience" introduced at the International Conference "IWINAC 2013", as well as some invited papers.
Important Dates:
Method of Review:
Invited contributions should be around 10 journal pages long (approximately 5000 words, plus a reasonable number of Figures/Tables). Submissions will be handled electronically through the EES (Elsevier Editorial System). When uploading a paper, the corresponding author must select the so-called Article Type: "Special Issue: IWINAC 2013" (drop down menu) in the EES system (it is also wise to type in the paper comment field: "This submission is part of the special issue IWINAC 2013: 5th Int. Work-Conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation").
The Guest Editors will first evaluate all manuscripts. Those manuscripts that meet the minimum criteria are passed on for peer review by two external experts. The method of review in this special issue will employ single blind review, where the referee remains anonymous throughout the process. The Guest Editors board is responsible for the final decision to accept or to reject the article, based on the recommendations of the reviewers. Accepted papers will have to be sent to the Guest Editors electronically, both as source files (LaTex, MS Word, including all original Figures/Tables and References) and in printable version (PDF).
Guest Editors:
Related Link:
IWINAC 2013: 5th Int. Work-Conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation