The Program Committee request original papers on the IWINAC2017 topics. The manuscripts will undergo a blind review process by at least 3 members of the Program/Scientific Committee. Authors (we recommend no more than five for each paper) must submit the camera-ready final version of papers written in English (official language of the conference), of up to 10 pages (including figures, tables and references) in electronic format (see requisites below) through either of the following two channels:
Authors must send their papers only in electronic format with all the following mandatory conditions:
Please, do not send printed copies of papers nor in email attachments (except when required by the organization staff). Authors must fill in the required data trought the Confmaster application form.
The corresponding author for each paper, must fill-in and sign the IWINAC2017 copyright form required by LNCS Springer. The original form can be found as a link to download from the Springer Information for LNCS Authors web page (please, remember that the field "Title of Book/Conference Name" should be "IWINAC 2017 Proceedings" and that field "Volume Editor(s):" sould be "J.M. Ferrandez, J.R. Álvarez-Sánchez, F. de la Paz, F.J. Toledo"). Please send signed copyright form scanned to <>, or through postal (snail) mail, or by fax (+34-91-398-9382), before March 5th.
All papers received will be refereed by the Program Committee. Accepted papers must be presented either orally (overhead, slide, data projectors and a PC with standard presentation software will be available) or as poster (max size ISO/DIN-A0, or 841 mm width x 1189 mm height), however all accepted contributions will be published at full length using directly the camera ready electronic file sent by the authors. In IWINAC conferences there is no distinction about papers quality in regard to presentation type. At least one author registration is required for each accepted paper before the end of early reduction fee period (May 10, 2017).
All the accepted papers (oral or poster) will be included in
the proceedings that will be published in the "Lecture Notes in
Computer Science" series by Springer-Verlag.