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GREAT Workshop on Astrostatistics and Data Mining in Astronomical Databases |
Submission informationThe sooner the conference proceedings are produced, the more useful they are. To speed up this process we are asking all participants to submit their complete, finished paper before the conference, namely by May 22nd 2011. While this is unconventional for astronomy conferences, it should reduce the total effort, as you are then "encouraged" to produce your presentation and your written contribution simultaneously. Instructions for writing and submitting the proceedingsThe page limit for the proceedings is 12 pages for invited talks, 8 pages for oral contributions and 5 pages for posters, including figures and references. Your contribution must be submitted as LaTeX using the template provided by Springer here . General instructions for authors can be found in the authinst.pdf file included with the templates. Please, follow the instructions therein, in particular those relative to the overall layout, and the citation and referencing style (examples 6-10 of the sample paper). Please include all text in a single file (don't use \input{} to spread over several files, for example). We cannot accept files submitted in Word (.doc) format. You should submit a final "camera-ready" copy, i.e. with all figures in the correct place as you would like to see them. If you use BiBTeX, please use the spphys.bst Springer style. Please combine your proceedings files into a single TAR file called yoursurname.tar containing the LaTeX file labelled as yoursurname.tex and the figures as PDF or PS files labelled as yoursurname_fig1.pdf, yoursurname_fig2.pdf etc. Please don't use subdirectories. Include the PDF file of the final paper labelled as yoursurname.pdf. Proceedings checklist
You can now email your TAR file to lsb@dia.uned.es with the term "proceedings" in the subject!
If you are including figures or other material already published by other authors, you need to get permission to use this material. If you are unsure whether this is your case, please read carefully the instructions here. And if still unsure, contact the proceedings editor at the contact email address. The deadline for submitting the proceedings is May 22nd, 2011 . Note that this is before the workshop! This will enable us to produce the proceedings very rapidly after the workshop, which is in everyone's interest. |
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